Dear 304,
As the exam is around the corner, I know
some of you are stressed out. I have to apologize that I am not sensitive
enough to notice some people’s disatisfaction with my English class. Here, I
want to share something with you.
For me, language is for communication. As
an English teacher, I deeply believe that English is a tool to know more about
the outer world and that education is a way to inspire your passion for certain
field in your inner world.
I know some of you are insecure about my
teaching. In fact, you can voice your opinion EARLIER, like “We don’t like listening practice or activities and
so on.” I can make some adjustment because all I want to do is to HELP you. Honestly speaking, a teacher learns how to become a
better teacher from her/his students. All in all, I feel sorry that some of you
keep the irritation in mind for a while, or even give up learning English. This
is the last thing I want to see.
Being flexible, I am pretty willing to integrate
the interactive English teaching with exam-mode teaching. However, I will never
become a teacher who always pushes you to do this and that. I believe “autonomy” is the best property you
should posses through education, especially in senior high. Grow up! In the
real world, the winners stand out because of their intrinsic motivation and self-discipline.
Don’t just let others dominate your life. Go find it!
Again, all I want to do is to HELP you. I will never ignore your need.
Hope in the last three weeks, we can create an exam-oriented surroundings, and
you will feel more secure to do your best on the coming exam.
我們的教育似乎不是在整合個體的「能」,反而是在受教育的過程, 原本人所擁有的「能」隨著受教育的過程,被剝奪了。例如:壆習語 文原本是習得溝通分享的工具,卻在反覆練習文法中,心繫正確性而 不敢表達;上學原本是啟發人的潛能,卻在追逐學業成就中,抹煞了 原本的好奇心;人原本有生火煮菜的原始本能,現在因為生活型態的 改變,我們傾向外食;父母原本有維繫家庭親密關係的原始動力,卻 因為生活忙碌或比較心態,把小孩送進補習班,外包家庭教育的責任 。
We are our choice. (堅定)
We are our choice. (堅定)
Blind spot cleared!
【紀念認識自己的一大步】 — 與余宗融